Sarasota Pool Maintenance for the Holidays

Sarasota Pool Maintenance for the Holidays - Bella Pool and Spa of Sarasota

The skies are blue, temps are in the 70s, and the guests are on their way. It’s December in Sarasota, and it’s your pool’s time to shine.

Ensuring that your pool is clean, safe, and inviting is all part of the Florida holiday season—and a surefire way to make your out-of-town guests and relatives jealous. Bella Pool Service Sarasota is here to offer a few straightforward pool-planning tips to keep your prep work quick and easy.

Of course, you’ve got lots of other hosting duties to worry about. If you want a worry-free pool this holiday season, professional Sarasota pool-cleaning services can take care of these steps for you. 

Water Cleanliness

First and foremost, take care of the obvious:

  • Skimming and vacuuming will get rid of floating debris as well as dirt and grit gathered at the bottom. 
  • Clean out your skimmer basket to keep things flowing.
  • Test and balance your pool’s chemicals no more than a week in advance. Remember, your pool doesn’t have to look or smell bad to need balancing; you want to keep the chemicals in check before microorganisms take hold. Also, rain will accelerate the chemical breakdown and necessitate more balancing.

Wall and Floor Surface Cleanliness

Next up, one of the least fun parts of pool cleaning: 

  • Scrubbing the sides. Use a specially designed brush suitable for the material your pool is made of. If your pool has been well maintained, you should only need the water itself to scrub away buildup. However, if you have stubborn stains, you might need a cleanser solution or algaecide to get rid of them.
  • The same goes for the pool deck, which can be prone to tricky buildup due to the non-stick surfaces. It’s tempting to ignore, but you’ll be amazed at the difference a clean pool deck can make. In fact, if you really want to make an impression, skip the brush and go right to powerwashing. (Or just hire a Sarasota powerwashing service to take care of that for you. How about one that also specializes in pool maintenance?) 

Pool Safety for Hosting Guests

Pool safety is an absolute must at any time, but especially if there are going to be small children around, and/or if people will be drinking. Set yourself up for safety now so that you’re not preoccupied when the party comes.

  • Clear loose equipment and toys from the pool deck and put them in secure locations.
  • Make sure safety equipment like flotation devices is readily available in an easy-to-see spot.
  • If people will be around the pool at night, check the conditions ahead of time. Ensure that there’s enough lighting, especially around the pool’s edges.
  • Check the pool deck and edges for loose stones, cracks, or slippery spots that could trip or cut bare feet. Get them repaired or cordoned off if you can. At the very least, you can warn your guests about them.
  • Not planning on swimming? Put your pool fencing system up in advance and check it for weak spots.

Enjoy Your Holiday Hosting!

The whole point of party prep is to get things done in advance in order to minimize your own stress while entertaining your guests. Your pool is a vital part of your home environment, so you want to show it off!
But if all this sounds like a lot of work to add to your plate, just choose a pool cleaning service Sarasota trusts. We’ll take care of all these preparation steps and more (like inspecting equipment) in order to properly polish your pool. Bella Pool and Spa is here for your holidays!

Article Written By:

Tyler King

Well, I am certified pool specialist, which includes 10+ years of experience in nearly everything concerning your pool maintenance and swimming experience. I am a partial owner of Bella Pool and Spa of Sarasota, a company dedicated to bringing our expertise to anyone in the Sarasota and Venice FL areas.
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