When To Hire a Pool Leak Inspector

When To Hire a Pool Leak Inspector - The Pool Leak Pros

A pool leak may start off as an inconvenience, but it can quickly escalate to a catastrophe. The longer you wait, the more expensive a repair can be. And you might lose more than money.

In Sarasota, pool leaks pose a major threat of foundation collapse due to Florida’s already sandy, unstable ground. That means a risk of significant damage to your pool’s walls, floor, and infrastructure. Plus, that level of instability might also threaten your home’s structure.

A leaky pool is also an environmental threat, due to the negative effects pool chemicals can have on wildlife and plants.

Due to all those scary factors, you should act quickly if you suspect a leak. A Sarasota leak inspection is a straightforward process that can put your mind at ease and ensure the durability of your assets and your property. It’s also a relatively inexpensive process—especially when you factor in the cost of repairs if you wait for significant damage.

So when should you hire a Sarasota leak inspector? We have a few clues for you to keep an eye out.

Signs Your Sarasota Pool Leaks

Water Level

The most obvious sign of a leak is a change in water level. If you notice the water level in your pool going down, ask yourself: Where is that water going?

The problem with this mode of leak detection is that pool water levels can be affected by a lot of factors, only one of which is a leak. Pool water evaporates, which can be misleading.

But also, rain can supplement the water that you’re losing to a leak. And in that case, you won’t notice the water level dropping because the rainwater is keeping it relatively level. 

Visible Cracks

Of course, if your pool wall or floor is cracked, that’s a pretty obvious sign that water is escaping. On top of that, a crack is a sign of an unstable foundation. The crack itself might not have caused the leak; it might be a symptom of one.


Water that leaks from your pool doesn’t just disappear. It can often show up not too far away. If you see unexplained puddles or flooding in the areas around your pool or even in your yard.

Air Bubbles

Ironically, one sign of a leak could be air. Not only does a leak allow water to escape, but it can allow air to access lines that should be sealed. If you see air bubbles coming out of your pool’s return jets, you need to figure out how that air got in there—and what might be escaping, too.

Suddenly High Water Bills

You won’t notice water level changes if your automatic fill device does its job. In that case, the leak will show up on your utilities bills.

…But You Might Not Even Know

The key to preventing catastrophic damage from a pool leak is to catch it early. That’s where Sarasota’s best pool service really shines.

Our certified pool pros perform our regular maintenance services. That means even if you’ve just hired us for regular pool cleaning and maintenance, you know you’re getting an expert on hand, every time. And our experts know what they’re looking for. They can spot signs of a pool leak before you might ever have noticed.

Early detection is key. If you suspect a problem with your Sarasota swimming pool—or if you just need regular, trustworthy maintenance—Bella Pool and Spa is the local pool service you can trust.

Article Written By:

Tyler King

Well, I am certified pool specialist, which includes 10+ years of experience in nearly everything concerning your pool maintenance and swimming experience. I am a partial owner of Bella Pool and Spa of Sarasota, a company dedicated to bringing our expertise to anyone in the Sarasota and Venice FL areas.
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